African Energy Chamber and NJ Ayuk : The Biggest threat to the African people and their quest to adapt to clean energy !

African Energy Chamber and NJ Ayuk : The Biggest threat to the African people and their quest to adapt to clean energy !

The pandemic situation created out of the Covid-19 has brought everyone’s life to a standstill. While every sector and industry faced the heat out of it, the Oil and gas sector didn’t appear as an exception. Yet, the same crisis turned up as a golden opportunity for the African governments to cut downa on their…

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NJ Ayuk

How African Energy Chamber and NJ Ayuk gained supremacy while putting African interests and Global environment on stake!

The recent crisis situation in the global oil and gas industry emerged as a long anticipated opportunity for the African governments to limit the utilization of fossil fuels, while paving way for the Green New Deal. This way, they could’ve strengthened their bid to save the planet while infusing new life in the economy at…

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