ICAI CA Intermediate Exam Dates

What are CA Intermediate Exam Dates for May 2022?

CA Intermediate Exam Dates 2022 – CA Intermediate Exam is the 2nd ladder after the CA Foundation in the Chartered Accountancy Course. ICAI conducts two exams for CA Intermediate Course every year in May and November. CA Intermediate date sheet for both groups is released by the ICAI.

Based on the ICAI timetable, the CA Intermediate exam dates for group 1 papers is 15, 18, 20, and 22 May 2022. Moreover, the CA Inter group 2 papers are scheduled on 24, 26, 28 and 30 May 2022.

ICAI along with releasing the CA Inter exam dates, also released the dates of the CA Intermediate Exam Form May 2022. Students can fill out the application forms from 21st Feb to 13th March 2022. 

In this blog, we’ll tell you the CA Intermediate exam dates, timings, admit cards and how to prepare in the last 2 months of the exams. 

CA Intermediate Exam Dates for May 2022

ICAI has already issued the datasheets for the May 2022 session. In a nutshell, the CA Intermediate Exams of May 2022 are scheduled from 15 to 30 May 2022.

Now for group 1 papers, the CA Intermediate exam dates are 15, 18, 20, and 22 May 2022. Moreover, the CA Inter group 2 papers will be conducted on 24, 26, 28, and 30 May 2022. 

Check the CA Inter exam schedule for the May 2022 session in the table below. 

CA Intermediate SubjectsDates of Examination
Group I
Paper 1: Accounting
Paper 2: Corporate Laws and Other Laws
Paper 3: Cost Accounting & Financial
Paper 4: Taxation

15 May 2022
18 May 2022

20 May 2022

22 May 2022
Group II
Paper 5: Advanced Accounting
Paper 6: Auditing and Assurance
Paper 7: Information Technology and
Strategic Management
Paper 8: Financial Management and
Economics for Finance

24 May 2022
26 May 2022
28 May 2022

30 May 2022

What are the Exam Timings for May 2022 Papers?

The CA Inter exam timings are the same for all the eight papers or say two groups. Each paper of all the groups is of 3 hours. Hence, students give the exam from 2 M to 5 PM. They also get 15 minutes extra in the very beginning to read the question paper. Importantly, all the students need to enter the exam hall one hour before the exam starts.

When will the CA Intermediate Admit Card be released?

The official period of the CA Foundation Admit Card is before 14 days of the examination. The ICAI notifies the students when the admit cards are released. So, whenever there are just 14 days for your exams, you can visit the official ICAI website for admit card notification.

Moreover, to download the CA Inter admit card, visit the official website and download it by entering your login details. Every detail mentioned in the CA Intermediate admits card must be the same as you filled in the Exam form and authentic. Once you get the admit card, cross-check the significant details and refer to the help desk of ICAI if found any.

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What is the Preparation Strategy for the last 2 months of CA Intermediate Exams?

Throughout the CA Intermediate preparation, students must remain extraordinarily vigilant. With the best learning attitude and good strategy, the students can clear this exam.

But the other fact is that, although you have read throughout the year, you start messing up with your time during the last months. Consequently, it will result in failure. So, make sure to make an extraordinary strategy with a few tips given below for the last month of the CA Intermediate Exam.

Give as many Mock Tests as possible

In the last months before the Intermediate exam, try to give at least 3-4 mock tests covering 100% syllabus. Moreover, mock papers will also help in self-analysing the answers and you can note down the improvement areas. The mock test also gives the student a real examination-like environment before the exam to practice. Other than that, you can solve the mock test papers in the same schedule as the CA Intermediate exam timetable. 

Revise the CA Intermediate Course in the Last Month

If you forget or feel lazy to revise in the last month before the exam, then you might forget most of the concepts. It is a human tendency to retain the things we have recently learned and forget those that happened a long time ago. So, although you have completed the entire syllabus, you must still revise it before the exam. This will help retain topics and memorize them quickly if asked in the exam.

Learn Time Management in Exam

Since the CA Intermediate Exam is a mix of subjective and objective questions, the students must learn to complete the paper on time. Some students are so slow that they need almost 4 hours to complete a paper. But this type of personal skill must be changed and improved. As many mock tests, the student gives, the better becomes their time management.

Improve Answer Writing Skills

Answer presentation is crucial for the CA Inter Paper. Apart from being beautiful attractive, the way you present the answers is also highly demanded. Examiner will focus more on solutions of those students who have good presenting skills. Hence, every time you appear in the Mock Test, you need to take care of the answer presentation. This will indeed work for you to gain the marks that you deserve.


As the ICAI released the CA Intermediate Exam dates, students must be more focused because the papers are near. As you know, around two months are remaining for the CA Inter exams. Therefore, all students are advised to fill out the exam form and start their revisions. 

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